Environmental Business

Follow the “Business” column of Biofílica and stay on top of what happens in our market. In this area of our blog we will talk about Forest Carbon Credits, Legal Reserve Compensation, our origin, objectives, our projects and achievements. Good reading!

September 17, 2020

We are four-time winners of the EF Annual Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings!

Once again, thank you very much to all customers, suppliers and partners who are by our side and support the conservation of the largest rainforest in […]
September 5, 2020

Norsul and Biofílca: a valuable partnership for the Amazon Rainforest protection – part 2. ?

On the Amazon Day, read the second post of the series and see how the partnership between Companhia de Navegação Norsul and Biofílica benefits tropical forests […]
August 27, 2020

? ? Beyond Environment: ESG-focused investors are concerned with biodiversity conservation ?

We are experiencing a phase of major changes in the investments world. Large asset managers are increasingly aware of the transformative power that resources allocation can […]
July 17, 2020

NORSUL and Biofílica: a valuable partnership for the protection of the ? Amazon Rainforest – Part 1

In partnership with Biofílica since January 2020, the Companhia de Navegação Norsul neutralizes the emissions of its entire fleet through carbon credits. In this first post […]
June 9, 2020

Rondônia uses REDD+ in its strategy to combat deforestation

Within the historically most-degraded Amazon regions, the state seeks to attract investments to enable sustainable productive actions with local communities and farmers. Seeking solutions to deal […]
June 2, 2020

? COVID-19: the virus affects the Amazon Rainforest and shows the importance of investments in environmental services ?

The pandemic affects the economy of the Amazon region, which suffers with the impacts. The crisis may lead to the growth of the challenge to fight […]
May 4, 2020
After all, what is REDD+?

After all, what is REDD+?

A guide for you to understand what REDD+ is and how this investment aggregates value to your business as you contribute towards the conservation of forests. […]
March 25, 2020
ESG: as três palavras mágicas que estão dominando o mercado de investimentos

ESG: the three magic words that are dominating the investment market

Environmental, social and governance criteria or ESG – an acronym in English that has become internationally known – are being increasingly associated by investment managers and […]
February 21, 2020

REDD+ projects in Brazil

Guidelines guarantee greater safety for buyers of forest offsets. Recent Brazilian government decisions offer more guarantees to companies that choose to neutralize their greenhouse gases emissions […]
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