Ipiranga offsets its direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases (GEE) generated by its operations¹. The company’s journey to combat global warming began in 2007 when they considered the emissions of its clients in this account, creating the Ipiranga’s Carbon Zero Program. The company started to offer, among its products and services, offsetting options also for gases from the burning fuel sold at its gas stations, and for that, Ipiranga has acquired more than 350,000 tons of CO2 equivalent so far.
The calculation is based on the following correlation: one tonne of CO2 thrown into the atmosphere is equivalent to one carbon credit which is obtained from some carbon-fixing mechanism on the planet. It is the purchase of verified carbon credits that guarantees to Ipiranga and its clients participating on Carbon Zero Program the zero balance of their emissions. Since 2016, the company’s strategy has been based on the incentive of REDD+², a mechanism that attributes price to conservation of forests that suffer of deforestation pressure. Through Biofílica’s projects, the deforestation avoided on native areas of the Amazon Rainforest is today the source of the offsets made available by Ipiranga to its clients.
The offsetting options are diverse and client’s engagement is ever-increasing. It is possible to offset the emissions of the vehicles themselves from purchases at Ipiranga’s gas stations with the Ipiranga’s Carbon Zero Credit Card; through the “Kilometers of Benefits” program; and also, for purchases of fuel already offset through the “Gas Station on the Web” – digital store to buy fuel on Ipiranga’s website. Only in 2017 were more than 50,000 clients engaged, demonstrating that the sum of small interventions is a powerful strategy on the combat against climate change.