ARR Project (Afforestation / Reforestation)

Corridors for Life

Restoration of 75,000 hectares of Ecological Corridors in Western São Paulo to generate carbon credits and connect remaining forest fragments of the Atlantic Forest.




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ARR Project (Afforestation / Reforestation)

Corridors for Life

The Corridors of Life ARR Project is a partnership between Biofílica Ambipar and IPÊ (Institute for Ecological Research) that aims to form ecological corridors from the restoration of natural vegetation of the Atlantic Forest, promoting connectivity between the remaining forest fragments in 75,000 hectares of degraded areas in the region of Pontal do Paranapanema, in the West of São Paulo. With a potential to remove 29 million tons of CO2e in 50 years, the project will generate carbon credits through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certification.

Besides promoting benefits for the climate and biodiversity, the project will promote several benefits to the local communities through the promotion of environmental education activities, development of courses, generation of employment and income, and incentives to the implementation of forest seedling nurseries, which will be purchased in large quantities for the project’s plantations. In alignment with the VCS certification, this scope will be certified under the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) standard.

The carbon credits generated by removing CO2e from the atmosphere through the planting of native trees will be traded in the voluntary market to offset our customers’ emissions.


• Biofílica Ambipar


Pontal do Paranapanema
São Paulo, Brasil

Start date:


Crediting Period:

Dec. 2021 to Dec. 2071


This year, more than 705,000 trees have already been planted, which represents 18% of the annual planting goal.

Flora protegida pelo projeto


More than

native tree
Fauna protegida pelo projeto

Monitored Fauna

More than

fauna species
monitored daily
redução de emissões de CO2

Carbon Sequestration

More than

Tons of CO2e potentially
sequestered in 50 years

Social Impact

More than

Potentially benefited
people per year



Location: Paranapanema Region; Western São Paulo

Total area: 17,504.53 km².
(30 cities)

Goal: The project aims to create ecological corridors via restoration of the native vegetation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and promote connectivity between the remaining forest fragments.

Restoration Goal:
75000 hectares until December 2041



The Corridors for Life ARR Project is validated and verified by the main international certification standards for forestry projects:


The Corridors of Life ARR Project contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Currently, other areas restored by IPÊ generate income of up to 2 minimum wage salaries per month for 24 families.The scale ambition presented in this project could double the income of these families and 20 more families could be hired to build nurseries and produce seedlings.

IPÊ offers technical and environmental education workshops for more than 1.000 communities annually. Rural extension workshops cover agricultural practices aimed at the production of seeds, agroforestry coffee production, as well as environmental education aimed at forest restoration and the importance of forest corridors for the maintenance of wildlife species.

Forest restoration activities have a high labor cost, so that project funding should go directly to the employment of family farming associations in the Paranapanema region. Annually, 1,200 jobs can be generated and maintained, and 12,000 in the 10 years of the project.

The project aims to remove 23,123,708 tCO2eq of emissions by sequestration of carbon made by the growth of trees. The potencial area of 60,000 hectares to be restored during the lifetime of the projects (35 years) generate, on average, 385.395tCO2e of emissions  sequestered yearly. In addition, there is no intention of producing wood, ensuring the permanence of forest carbon and ecological balance.

Over 100 species of native trees will be used for restoration, with 18 million trees planted per year once large-scale is achieved. From the point of view of the habitat of the fauna, primary studies indicate the presence of 100 species of mammals (2 native), 439 birds (7 native) and 30 amphibians. Recent research has mapped the presence of 30 jaguars, 30 brown pumas, 300 jaguatiricas, 1,000 tapirs and 1,000 black lion tamarins.


R. Vieira de Morais, 420
4º andar, conjunto 43 / 44
Brooklin, São Paulo - SP
04617-000, Brasil


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Registration and Documentation

Corridors for Life ARR Grouped Project
VCS ID 3727


Project Description (EN/US)

Descrição do Projeto (PT/BR)

Verification Reports

CCB + VCS – Validation Report


The IPÊ Ombudsman’s Office is a direct channel for receiving requests for information and complaints from our internal and external public. This tool has the mission of dealing with all matters raised impartially, transparently and fairly.

We are a Brazilian company focused on the native forest conservation through the commercialization of environmental services.

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