
Jari Valley
REDD+ Project

We invite you to read the main Climate, Community and Biodiversity activities developed during 2021. This content is exclusive to the Project’s supporters and clients.  

In case your company is interested in running a campaign or promoting the Project and its activities, or in case of doubts and further information, please contact our commercial team.



Activities Performed

1st Quarter

Improving Shared Management

Considering the notes raised during the verification audit of the REDD+ Jari Amapá project, the project proponents felt the need to analyze the applicability of tools in order to better jointly manage the actions developed by the projects, effectively monitoring all the points required by the certifications, and the indicators and activities planned in the PDs. As well as to improve the communication of the project stakeholders, other sectors of the Jari Group and third parties, involved directly and indirectly in the project.

2nd Quarter

Structuring the Vale do Jari REDD+ Program

Putting into practice the structuring of better management methods, the proponents started mapping the activities and indicators of REDD+ projects related to the activities, procedures and planning of the Jari Foundation and other sectors. This material was built jointly, in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the participation of the parties in the project, and thus understand what improvements are needed.

3rd Quarter

Incorporation of the Vale do Jari REDD+ Program

As a result of the teams' joint work, the understanding of the Vale do Jari REDD+ Program was structured. This is the union of the activities planned by the REDD+ projects with those carried out by the Jari Foundation (which are divided into sub-projects) and other sectors of the Jari Group and partners. The management and monitoring of this program is at an early stage, while the Jari Foundation team prepared its 2022 planning based on the project activities and indicators, and the Biofílica team has been working on the implementation of tools to improve the shared management and monitoring of REDD+ projects, aligned with recognized project management methodologies.

Foreseen activities

Prepare the initial version of the 2022 activities schedule based on the Jari Foundation planning focused on the guidelines of the Vale do Jari REDD+ Program

Formalize meeting cadences for leveling information about the projects and the importance of joint contribution to the performance of activities with stakeholders

Develop the communication management plan for the Vale do Jari project, with support from the Biofílica marketing team


Activities Performed

2nd Quarter

1st VCS/CCB Verification

The conclusion of the 2nd quarter of 2021 was marked by the completion of the verification process of the Jari Amapá REDD+ Project. All project documentation is available on Verra's registration platform. The total verified volume in the monitored period was 1,560,640 VCUs (2014 to 2019 vintages).

3rd and 4th Quarter

PLANET Monitoring

At the end of 2020, the contract for the SCCON Platform and daily Planet satellite images was formalized with the company SCCON Geospatial. The area monitored by the system was 200,000 hectares distributed in the states of Pará and Amapá. At the end of 2021, the investigation of all deforestation alerts identified by the system was completed, with the identification of those responsible, when applicable. Furthermore, this strategy was fundamental for improving the strategies for the surveillance team's actions in the field.

Foreseen activities

Review the strategy for use and field verification of the areas identified by the Planet System, considering the renewal of the contract

Develop strategy for the next VCS/CCB certification of the Jari Pará REDD+ Project

Evaluate and develop strategy for the baseline review process of the Jari Pará REDD+ Project

Community & Biodiversity

Activities Performed

2nd and 3rd Quarter

Socioeconomic Diagnosis

The company Di Ciero concluded the secondary data survey and the field information gathering. 540 families were heard, which, after an analysis, totaled about 140 communities, covering the state of Amapá and Pará. The results raised generated reports that are in the process of review by the project proponents.

3rd Quarter

Updating of the Xylotheque and Museum

Through a partnership between the Jari Foundation and the IFAP (Amapá Federal Institute - Instituto Federal do Amapá), activities to update and catalog the xylotheque (wood collection) were initiated, as well as the resumption of visits to the Museum with an educational nature.

4th Quarter

FSC Label - Amapá Forest Management

At the end of 2021, the company Agregue Ind., Com. e Transporte de Madeira Ltda. went through the certification process of the forest management activities carried out in the state of Amapá. As some of the planned activities are in line with the REDD+ Project, Biofílica has participated by providing support with the project material, besides participating in the public consultation that took place between August and September.

Foreseen activities

Finalizing and reviewing the products prepared by Di Ciero for the socioeconomic survey (Biofílica and Jari Group)

Resuming activities paralyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic in Amapá, carrying out the technical chambers and defining the methodology for choosing the new families for the expansion project.

Assess the status of the activities of the Jari Pará REDD+ Project, impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to develop priority strategies that should be implemented in 2022.

Gather along with Agregue the results indicated by the FSC certification and align the delivery of evidence of activities and indicators related to the Jari Amapá REDD+ Project

Finalize the contractual formalization of partnerships for biodiversity monitoring and xylotheque maintenance with IFAP

Draw up a strategic plan for implementing monitoring activities for fauna and flora in 2022, in partnership with IFAP, Agregue and Jari Group


During this period, communication work was carried out through social networks, public relations, and branding. Highlights include a series of interviews with Jorge Rafael  (Jari Foundation Coordinator)  in local media.

1st Quarter

Social Networks

The main network used is Instagram, and the growth of the page is kept accelerated in an organic way (only with the production of content and topics, without paid ads), the engagement rates are also constantly evolving.


2nd Quarter

Public Relations

We developed press releases in partnership with clients that neutralized emissions with carbon credits from the Vale do Jari REDD+ Project.

2nd Quarter


Jorge Rafael, has given interviews to several media outlets covering the projects and programs of the Jari Foundation benefited by the Jari Valley REDD+ Project.


We are a Brazilian company focused on the native forest conservation through the commercialization of environmental services.